A selection of film/television projects. Scroll below for a full list of screen credits.

Panorama: The Chris Kaba Shooting, TV doc

Undercover, Exposing the Far Right, feature doc

Your Fat Friend, feature doc

March for Dignity, feature doc

Seahorse, feature doc

My Friend the Polish Girl

Night and Day

Phyllida, short

Barry the Beekeeper, short

I Do Not Want to Smoke, short

Abdullah and Leilah

The Unseen March

Crocodile, short

Beasts, short
Undercover: Exposing the Far Right (Doc, 2024, 96”, Director’s Cut)
Tigerlily Films / Dir. Havana Marking.
Your Fat Friend (Doc, 2023, 96’)
Grain Media / Glimmer Films / BBC Storyville. Dir. Jeanie Finlay, Prod. Andrea Cornwell
March for Dignity (Doc, 2020, 85’)
Dir. John Eames. Prod. John Eames and Cassandra Roberts
Seahorse, The Man who Gave Birth (Doc, 2019, 91’)
Grain Media / Glimmer Films / BBC Storyville. Dir. Jeanie Finlay, Prod. Andrea Cornwell
My Friend the Polish Girl (Fiction, 2018, 93’)
Warsaw Pact Films. Dir. & Prod. Ewa Banaszkiewicz and Matteusz Dymek
Poppies (Fiction, 2006, 75’)
Dir. Barry Bliss. Prod. Debbie Bliss, Thomas Garvin
Panorama: The Chris Kaba Shooting (Doc, 2024, 56’)
BBC / Dir. George Amponsah, Prod. Tim Stone
Undercover: Exposing the Far Right (Doc, 2024, 90”)
Channel 4 / Dir. Havana Marking
100% Character Uncovered (Doc, 2015, 10’)
Betsy Works/NBC Universal. Dir. Liz Unna, Prod. Selena Cunningham and Peter Maynard
Muslim School (Doc, 2009, 60’)
Rise Films/Channel 4. Dir. Tanya Stephan, Prod. Teddy Liefer
Alexis Arquette, She’s My Brother (Doc, 2007, 72’)
Tigerlily Films/Cactus Three/Channel 4/A&E. Dir. Matthew Barbato, Prod. Nikki Parrott
Addicted to Love (Compulsion series, Doc, 2005, 60’)
Mentorn/BBC. Dir. Tanya Stephan, Prod. Richard Klein
World’s Greatest Kisser (Doc, 2002, 60’)
Ideal World/Channel 4. Dir. Ivan Mowse, Prod. Charlotte Moore
The World According to Me (Doc, 2001, 28’)
Chameleon Television/Channel 4 Dir. & Prod. Ivan Mowse
Selected shorts
In the Clouds (2025, 14’) Dir. Alexandra Bahíyyih Wain
The Human Clay (2025, 10’) Dir. Cosima Spender.
Tiger in the Castle (2024, 10’) Daniel Trivedy’s Tiger in the Castle exhibition, Powis Castle
Barry the Beekeeper (2021, 10’) Together TV. Dir. Ikram Ahmed
Night and Day (2021, 20’) Dir. Tim Fywell, Prod. Kelly Price
I Do Not Want To Smoke (2020, 17’) Dir. Steven Sheil, Prod. Steven Sheil and Ana Toropova.
Phyllida (2019, 24’) Third Channel/Peacock/ Hauser & Firth. Dir. Cosima Spender, Prod. Dorothea Gibbs (Accompanied Phyllida Barlow’s Royal Academy Barlow exhibition)
Abdullah and Leilah (2017, 20’) Resource Productions. Dir. Ashtar Al Khirsan, Prod. Dominque Unsworth
Pieces of George (2016, 20’) Malcah Productions. Dir. Emmanuel Dayan, Prod. Alan Reich
The Unseen March (2015, 6’) SpeakIt Films/Client: The Quakers. Dir. Jessica Edwards, Prod. Nick Francis
Crocodile (2014, 15’) Life to Live Films. Dir: Gaelle Denis, Prod: Ohna Falby
Beasts (2014, 6’) Warsaw Pact Films. Dir. & Prod. Ewa Banaszkiewicz and Matteusz Dymek
Hammerhead (2009, 14’) Screen Yorkshire/UK Film Council. Dir. Sam Donovan, Prod. Prakash Patel
Come to Me (Fiction, 2009, 31’) TVP Kultura. Dir. and Prod. Ewa Banaszkiewicz
Pluen Eria (Animation, 2007, 5’) S4C. Dir. & Prod. Matthew Hood
The Region on Film (Doc, 2006, 120’) DVD documentary film archive. Screen Archive South East. Prod. Nick Clark
The Tale of Sir Richard (Animation, 2006, 3’). Mummysboy/Channel 4/Canal +. Dir. & Prod. Peter Dodd
Monsters (Fiction, 2005, 12’). Animus Films / Cinema Extreme / FilmFour. Dir. Robert Morgan, Prod. Sylvie Bringas
The Bath (Animation, 2003, 3’) S4C. Dir. & Prod. Matthew Hood
Solar Flares (Fiction, 2003, 7’) Kono Films. Dir. And Prod. Jonathan Birch
Green Green Lanes (Fiction, 2001, 16’) NFTS. Dir. Fraser Macdonald, Prod. Douglas Ray
Metalstasis (Animation, 2001) NFTS. Dir. Matthew Hood, Prod. Douglas Ray
Crow Stone (Fiction, 2001, 10’) NFTS. Dir. Alicia Duffy, Prod. Hugh Welchman
Losing Touch (Fiction, 2000, 28’) NFTS. Dir. Sarah Gavron, Prod. Jonny Percy
Pieta (Fiction, 2000, 19’) NFTS. Dir. Joachim Trier, Prod. Teun Hilte
Numb (Fiction, 2000, 14’) NFTS. Dir. Alicia Duffy, Prod. Hugh Welchman
The Man who Saw the Man (Fiction, 2000, 13’) NFTS. Dir. Alix Barbey, Prod. Hugh Welchman
The Job (Doc, 2000, 26’) NFTD Dir. & Prod. Johan Eriksson
Life and Death on Exmoor (Doc, 2000, 23’) NFTS. Dir. & Prod. Cosima Spender
Chamber Christmas Production Album, Cavendish Music, 2024. Christmas arrangements performed by The Smith quartet and Fidelio Trio
Cinematic Choral Production Album, Cavendish, 2020. Latvian Radio Choir and Shards. Tracks used on Burger King advert, Sky News, Gordon Ramsey’s Kitchen Nightmares etc.
Government Annual Report (24x3’) Dir. Prod. Wiz Hok
NSPCC campaign film: Stories from survivors of child abuse (2015). Rare Day Films. Dir. Liz Unna, Prod. Emily Renshaw-Smith
YouCanBookMe website (2015) Skintflicks Films. Dir. & Prod. Fiona Melville
Got Milk website, (California Milk Processor Board).
Tilemania (Regional television and radio broadcast) Dirs. Paul Gilbert and Sam Moon